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Component Life Cycle in Angular

sdvsdvsdv1@ / 27 Aug, 2024

Ever feel like your Angular components have a mind of their own? Well, they kind of do! Just like us, components go through different stages of life - from birth to death. Understanding this life cycle is critical if you have any desire to step up your Angular game. In this blog, we'll jump into the captivating universe of component life cycles. You'll learn when and why each phase happens, and how to take advantage of them to supercharge your applications. So grab a coffee, get comfy, and let's unravel the mysteries of Angular component life cycles together!

Overview of Angular Component Life Cycle

Angular components have a fascinating life cycle, much like living organisms. From birth to death, these digital entities go through various stages, each serving a crucial purpose in the application's functionality.

  • Birth of a Component

When an Angular component springs to life, it undergoes an initialization process. This is where the component gets its direction, setting up its initial state and getting ready for action. It resembles a newborn opening its eyes interestingly, ready to take on the world (or in this situation, the user's interactions).

  • Growing Up: Change Detection

As the component develops, it enters a period of consistent watchfulness. Angular's change identification mechanism watches out for the component, guaranteeing it keeps up-to-date with any data changes. This is like how we people adjust to new data and experiences all through our lives.

  • The Twilight Years: Destruction

Eventually, every component must face its end. When it's no longer needed, Angular initiates the destruction process. This stage permits the component to clean up after itself, delivering any assets it very well may clutch. It resembles cleaning up your room one final time before moving out.

Understanding this life cycle is key to mastering Angular development. By leveraging these stages, you can create more efficient, responsive, and robust applications that truly shine in the competitive world of web development.

Key Life Cycle Hooks in Angular Components

Let's explore the crucial hooks that allow you to tap into this lifecycle.

  • ngOnInit(): The Initialization Hook

The ngOnInit() hook is called after Angular has introduced all data-bound properties of an order. It's the ideal place to perform complex initializations, fetch initial data from a server, or set up subscriptions. Remember, this hook is only called once per component instance, making it perfect for one-time setup operations.

  • ngOnChanges(): Responding to Data Changes

Whenever an input property of a component changes, the ngOnChanges() hook springs into action. This powerful hook allows you to react to changes in data passed into the component from its parent, enabling you to update the internal component state or trigger additional logic based on new input values.

  • ngOnDestroy(): Cleaning Up

When a component is going to be obliterated, Angular calls the ngOnDestroy() hook. This is your last chance to clean up any resources that might cause memory leaks. Unsubscribe from Observables, detach event handlers or cancel any ongoing HTTP requests here to keep your application running smoothly.

If you wanna learn more about Component Life Cycle in Angular feel free to contact Softronix Classes today.

Using ngOnChanges() to Detect Input Changes

Angular's Component Life Cycle hooks offer strong ways of dealing with your application's way of behaving. One of the most helpful hooks is ngOnChanges(), which permits you to recognize and answer changes in input properties. This strategy is your go-to tool for staying up with the latest outside data changes.

  • How ngOnChanges() Works

When you implement ngOnChanges(), Angular calls this method whenever it detects changes to input properties. It provides a SimpleChanges object that contains information about what's changed, including both the previous and current values. This makes it easy to compare and react to specific changes.

  • Implementing ngOnChanges()

To utilize ngOnChanges(), basically execute the OnChanges interface in your component class:

import { Component, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/center';


  selector: 'app-my-component',

  template: '...'


export class MyComponent implements OnChanges {

  @Input() myInput: string;

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {

    if (changes['myInput']) {

      console.log('Input changed:', changes['myInput'].currentValue);




  • Best Practices

Only use ngOnChanges() for input properties that require complex logic when changed.

Avoid heavy computations in this method to ensure good performance.

Remember that ngOnChanges() runs before ngOnInit(), so initialize carefully.

By mastering ngOnChanges(), you'll have greater control over your component's behavior throughout its lifecycle in Angular.

Calling APIs in ngOnInit()

When it comes to making API calls in Angular components, the ngOnInit() lifecycle hook is your go-to method. This crucial hook fires once the component is initialized, making it the perfect spot to fetch the data your component needs to display.

Why ngOnInit() is ideal for API calls

You may ponder, "Why not simply call the API in the constructor?" Well, here's how things are: the constructor runs before Angular sets up the component's data ties. By using ngOnInit(), you ensure that your component is fully ready to rock and roll before you start bringing in data.

Best practices for API calls

When you're making those API calls, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Use Angular's HttpClient for clean, efficient requests

  2. Handle mistakes smoothly (your users will thank you!)

  3. Consider using async/await for more readable code

  4. Implement loading indicators to keep users in the loop

Keep in mind the objective is to make a smooth, responsive experience for your users. By observing these rules, you'll be well-headed to building unshakable Angular components that handle data like a star.


As you've seen, dominating Angular's components lifecycle hooks can truly even out your development game. By taking advantage of these key moments, you'll build more proficient, responsive applications that users will enjoy. Keep in mind everything revolves around utilizing the ideal hook brilliantly. So, whenever you're knee-somewhere down in Angular code, pause for a minute to consider which lifecycle hook could tackle your concern. With practice, you'll employ these integral tools like an expert quickly. Now go forth and create some awesome Angular apps – your newfound lifecycle knowledge is your secret weapon!