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Data Structures in Real Life: Everyday Applications You Didn’t Know About

Administration / 15 Oct, 2024

Data structures are perhaps seen by many as mere theories or topics best discussed in computers or information technology courses. Nevertheless, their applications touch on almost every aspect of our life, which often remains unnoticed. That in fact is the beautiful part where these data structures can enrich our knowledge about the technology and may even lead to better and smarter solutions. 

What is a Data Structure?

A data structure refers to a method of organizing data in a computer so that it can be accessed and or changed conveniently. Organizes an array of data and permits performing a range of operations with large amounts of data, like insert, delete, get. 

Here is a brief of various types of data structures with examples.

1. Arrays: The Ordered Collection

What It Is: An array is a type of data structure where a group of similar elements is stored using contiguous memory locations.

Real-Life Application: Here comes a simple grocery – shopping list where you note all the things you want in a certain order. Likewise, an array makes it easier to Locate each element depending on its index position. Arrays are essential in ordering information, for instance, it could be grouping items such as your grocery list, or even play list in the music players.

2. Linked Lists: The Elastic Structure

What It Is: A linked list is made of multiple elements called nodes which has data in it as well as a pointer to the next node.

Real-Life Application: Think of a music app which allows you to create a playlist. Each song can be linked to next one in form of vector. It allows for easy manipulation in the list such as adding a new favorite song and removing an old favorite. Linked lists are used optimally in situations where the size of the entire population is not constant and dynamic collections are involved.

3. Stacks: The Last Inserted, The First Extracted Data Set

Definition: A stack is a type of data structure which follows the last in first out (LIFO) principle.

Real Life Applications: Consider a buffet which has a number of plates stacked on one another. One can only add plates on top of the plates already placed on the ground, and when one requires a plate, the topmost plate is drawn from the pile. Likewise, in sociology, for instance, women who marry men with children from previous marriages, many times do not want to erase themselves from the picture as, for example, the cause of the divorce but rather wish to soften or cushion their last action.

4. Queues: The First In, First Out Data Structure

Definition: A queue is a type of linear structure in which the element added first will also be removed first (FIFO).

Real Life Applications: Imagine you are in a coffee shop waiting behind an extensive queue. The person at the foremost position in the queue is served first. Queue is again essential in the management of the customers including their service, scheduling of the various tasks as well as printing out pages that have been queued for work.

5. Trees: A System of Levels

What It Is: It consists of nodes where each node is assigned a value and has 0 or more child nodes.

Real Life Application: It is often difficult to explain relations visually without taking the help of diagrams. Structures like family tree or organizational structure of a workplace do like perfect spheres. However, relationships and hierarchies are easily presented in structures which resemble trees. In computing, a directory and files hierarchy is often represented in the tree structure in order to facilitate easier navigation.

6. Graphs: The Network of Connections

What It is: A graph is made up of vertices often called nodes which are linked together bu edges creating certain relationship among them.

Real Life Target: Social networking sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn can be modeled as graphs, such that all the users are considered to be the nodes and the element of connection between them such as friends and colleagues as the edges. Graphs are also very important in routing algorithms such as in Google maps to help get the shortest path between two points or in systems which recommend any products or any friends whom the individual may like based on certain connections. 

7. Hash Tables: Quick Access Structures

What it is: A hash table is a data structure that maps keys to values, using a hash function to determine an appropriate location in an array of buckets for each key value pair. 

Real Life Target: Proceed with your imagination. You are the one in charge of the library. Every single book is issued with a certain number popularly known as ISBN and therefore each time you wish to get any information on a particular book, there will be a need for it.” All try to be as fast as possible regardless of using hash structures, which is appropriate for this type of tasks: caches, or databases.

Applications of Data Structure

  1. The classification of data structures is among the most basic concepts of computer science and can be found numerous uses in many subjects. Following are some of the widely known applications:

  2. DBMS: Various types of data structures such as B-trees, Hash Tables, etc are implemented in a DBMS to provide fast access to the data for insert and update.

  3. Web Development: Graphs help maintain the hyperlinks between web pages and trees ensure proper storage of information regarding web search engines and directories.

  4. Operating System: In process management, stacks are used for storing return addresses whilst queues are used for scheduling tasks and allocating resources.

  5. Networking:: In computer networks, graphs are utilized to represent the network in order to facilitate node to node communication and to reduce the data transmission paths.

Such applications reflect the fact that data structure is a very important factor when it comes to developing efficient algorithms and systems for that matter technology and applications we use on day to day basis.


Data structures are the basic necessities when it comes to storage and manipulation of data in the modern world and even in our day to day activities. It can be as easy as a string of names and addresses or as complicated as a street grid system, these structures are indicative of how things happen in the environment 

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