Selecting the right machine learning (ML) model for your data is a question that may seem overwhelming given the range of algorithms and approaches currently defined. If you’re a novice of data science or a seasoned practitioner, it can make a huge differences in this decision for the performance of the particular machine learning project. In this blog, I’ll outline the major factors that will assist in determining the most suitable model for your dataset.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning matters because it allows systems to work with activities that were initially hard or unfeasible to script programmatically. It eliminates the possibility of delay in decision-making, increase efficiency, decrease errors, and detect opportunities that are unseen. This is particularly important with the generation of vast volumes of data across different industries where ML offers a way of making use of the data.
Machine learning is a family of artificial intelligence that enables a system to learn from data without having a prior instruction of what to do. Unlike rule-based systems, the response of machine learning algorithms depends on learned patterns from data and applies these patterns to make a decision or a prediction.
Key Terminology in Machine Learning
Model: The result of the learned patterns in terms of the mathematical notations being used by the model.
Training Data: In this case we have a set of training data which here comprises of supervising learning or input-output pairs or just inputs in unsuper-vised learning.
Features: The components of the inputs that the model depends on in making its predictions or decisions (such as the size of the house, location, etc).
Labels: Y or dependent variable(s) the ones we strive to predict or forecast, such as; the price of a house, spam mail or not spam, and the like.
Overfitting: This situation occurs when a model, in the process of learning from the training data, also incorporates noise, and other irrelevant information, to perform badly in new data.
Underfitting: As we know that sometimes modelling is too basic that they cannot fit the data correctly and hence they have low result both on training an the test data.
Generalization: The action of a model to predict values on unseen and unknown data sets.
Hyperparameters: Hyperparameters are those parameters of an algorithm that are determined by the practitioner, such as the learning rate of gradient descent.
At a high level, machine learning works by following these steps:
Data Collection: To facilitate processing, it’s necessary to collect and clean some data. Quality and amount of input are sensitive factors that should be taken into consideration while constructing a model.
Model Selection: Their selection depends on the type of data you are working on and the problem that you are solving. Depending on the availability of the labeled data for the data set in question this could be a classification model if the data is labeled otherwise it is a clustering model.
Training the Model: Give it input and let it train the model. In the process of training the model updates its parameters to reduce the loss function or to make best predictions.
Evaluation: After building the model try to predict on unknown data for which the results of the target variable are not known they can be validation or test data set. Common metrics depend on the type of problem: Fallout, precision, reconciliation for classification and MSE for regression.
Tuning: Optimise it again and again by changing the hyperparameters or by just tune in the algorithm to get the better output.
Prediction/Deployment: When the model has been introduced to data and optimized, you can use the model to predict on new data and make rational business decisions.
Applications of Machine Learning
Machine learning is trending nowadays through facilitating rationalized and improved systems. Here are some of its common applications:
Healthcare: The identification of diseases, the prognosis and the targeted development of individual treatment strategies.
Finance: Fraud identification, automatically generated trading, and risk measurement.
Retail: More specifically these are as follows: Recommender system (for example, product recommendations), customer clustering or segmentation, and demand forecasting.
Self-Driving Cars: Handling disguise and genuine adverse conditions, ML illustration empowers vehicles to gain perception, identify obstacles, and act promptly.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Voice recognition, voice translation, voice sentiment analysis and the voice-based agents (like Siri or Alexa).
Marketing: Affinity marketing, customer attrition analysis and customer value analysis.
It is expected to improve the effectiveness of the search for what the user is interested in and adapt its processes and its algorithms, including the mathematical models involved, during its functioning according to the data with which it is provided, without external interference.
The first of these steps in order to choose the right ML model is to clearly specify the problem you are trying to solve. The two primary types of machine learning problems are:
a. Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is a sub categorization of machine learning where you have the outcomes labelled or measured, where every input is connected to some output label or target. In other words, the aim is to find how the input features relate to output labels.
Classification: This means that if your target variable is categorical such as the case with spam and non spam, disease and no disease, then that is a classification problem. Some of these models are; Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and Neural Networks.
Regression: If your target variable is non-binary and nominal (i.e., ordinal), you’re working with an ordinal regression problem, but if it’s continuous, it’s a regression problem. References to regression go hand in hand with Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Decision Trees, and Random Forests.
In unsupervised learning the output that is provided does not feature any kind of label or target; the concepts that are being sought are latent.
Clustering: If you want to cluster similar data points, then you are probably working on a clustering issue. These clusters the most widely used cluster algorithms are: K-Means, DBSCAN, and hierarchical clustering.
Dimensionality Reduction: Finally, in case you would like to decrease the dimensionality of your data while preserving most of the information you would need PCA or t-SNE.
c. Reinforcement Learning
If the problem is about an agent that needs to gain some experience so that it can behave in order to get the highest amount of reward possible from an environment this falls under the category of reinforcement learning. This Practice is typically applied in robotics, game playing for instance like AlphaGo, and also in self-driving cars.
2. Analyze Your Data
Now that gives you some notion of the problem at hand, it is time to take a closer look at our data. This is a general statement implying that different kinds of machine learning run on various forms of data, thus one must know form of data they have.
a. Size of the Dataset
Small Datasets: Hence for a relative small dataset, the more simple models like Logistic Regression or K-Nearest Neighbour ( KNN) work better since they often do not have to overfit the data. , however there are such sophisticated models as Neural Networks where train can underfit due to insufficient amount of train data.
Large Datasets: However, for big data sets, the more complicated algorithms such as Deep Learning algorithms or Random Forest can be more suitable to capture a number of attributes that are hard to be found out.
b. Feature Types
Numerical Features: If your features are mostly continuous (age, income, etc.) then models such as Linear Regression, Decision tree or Random Forest should do well.
Categorical Features: If you have categories (gender, the product line), you use logistic regression (when categoricals are encoded appropriately), Naive Bayes or Decision Trees.
Text or Sequence Data: If your data is textual (e.g., reviews, tweets), you might consider using Naive Bayes, SVMs or Deep Learning models such as RNNs, Transformers might be likely to be the best fit for the job.
c. Data Quality
Make sure the data is clean or be prepared to clean it enough that it doesn’t impact the performance of your model what so ever. This is because missing data, noise and outliers will hamper the overall functioning of the model. That is why algorithms, such as Decision Trees or Random Forests can handle missing values, while others, such as Linear Regression, cannot.
3. Evaluate Model Complexity and Interpretability
Now that gives you some notion of the problem at hand, it is time to take a closer look at our data. This is a general statement implying that different kinds of machine learning run on various forms of data, thus one must know form of data they have.
a. Size of the Dataset
Small Datasets: Hence for a relative small dataset, the more simple models like Logistic Regression or K-Nearest Neighbour ( KNN) work better since they often do not have to overfit the data. However, a model such as a Neural Networks may perform poorly because it hasn’t been fed enough “data” to develop an accurate network.
Large Datasets: However, for big data sets, the more complicated algorithms such as Deep Learning algorithms or Random Forest can be more suitable to capture a number of attributes that are hard to be found out.
b. Feature Types
Numerical Features: If your features are mostly continuous (age, income, etc.) then models such as Linear Regression, Decision tree or Random Forest should do well.
Categorical Features: If you have categories (gender, the product line), you use logistic regression (when categoricals are encoded appropriately), Naive Bayes or Decision Trees.
Text or Sequence Data: If your data is textual (e.g., reviews, tweets), you might consider using Naive Bayes, SVMs or Deep Learning models such as RNNs, Transformers might be likely to be the best fit for the job.
c. Data Quality
Make sure the data is clean or be prepared to clean it enough that it doesn’t impact the performance of your model what so ever. This is because missing data, noise and outliers will hamper the overall functioning of the model. That is why algorithms, such as Decision Trees or Random Forests can handle missing values, while others, such as Linear Regression, cannot.
4. Evaluate Model Performance
After deciding which model to use for testing, it becomes incredibly important to check if the model performs well enough for the given metrics.
Accuracy- The total percentage of predictions which were propounded correctly, that could be done with this parameter. It is very beneficial when measuring the imbalanced classes.
Precision and recall: the precision is calculated from positive predictions and it indicates the ratio as how many of these predictions were actually correct. Recall measures the ratio as how many among the total actual positives were exactly identified.
F1 score: Numeric balancing of both scores would be supportive in case of high importance in balancing.
AUC-ROC Curve: Indicates the capacity of the model to discriminate between different classes under varying thresholds.
Mean Absolute Error (MAE), an arithmetic measure that provides a complete average with regards to the directions of deviation from the predicted values.
Then, MSE means that the squaring of errors causes a major sanction in terms of costs to larger errors. Proposed R-Squared states how the variance of that dependent variable is determined according to the model.
However, it is always advisable to try different models while testing their performance against the validation set. Sometimes it is beneficial in cross-validation to get some estimates about the model performance without seeing any data.
5. Consider Computational Constraints
Professional Machine Learning Models Demand: Varying computation and memory resource consumption among different models.
Linear Models: Implying Computationally Efficient models and requiring Memory-less like Logistic Regression or Linear Regression.
Tree Based Models: For example, Random Forests and Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs), despite being strong, can become very resource heavy when exposed to large datasets.
Neural Networks: The cutting-edge forms of deep learning (multiple layered) require intensive computation and memory allocation. Whereas, such models usually need specific hardware for training like GPUs.
For a scenario of low computational resources, go for starting with simpler models and benchmarking approaches.
6. Experiment and Perfect
Finally, do not forget to experiment. Then, once you have made the decision on a model, spend some time in tuning hyperparameters for the best performance of that model. Hyperparameters exist in many models such as Random Forests and Gradient Boosting to determine the performance of the model, for example, tree depth and learning-rate.
Use Grid Search or Random Search to perform hyperparameter optimization, and evaluate the final model on a test set or with cross-validation.
Selecting the appropriate machine learning model is not done automatically, by consulting a manual. It requires careful understanding of the data, the problem one intends to solve, and then the tradeoffs between model complexity and interpretability and performance. It is possible, through proper understanding of the problem, trying a variety of models and fine-tuning them in fact to come up with effective solutions that would yield maximum value from one's data. Keep experimenting and learn from failures to improve your route iteratively into getting the best possible.
Machine learning extends the revolution to problem-solving with data-the work normally associated with human thought and analysis put into algorithms that learn from past experiences and improve over time. Prediction of future trends, automation of processes, or improvement of user experiences: machine learning is now incorporated into daily lives, pioneering innovations all industrywide. The robust capability of machine learning does not lie in making predictions; it lies in enabling systems to grow and evolve by continually processing additional data. Try visiting Softronix for more information on this topic!